Vacheron Constantin Automatic watches [Vacheron Constantin]

Watch symbolize its owners taste and status, so people with important social status or high popularity often pay much attention to their Vacheron Constantin watches. We will share some interesting stories about the famous person and their Vacheron Constantin watches.

Besides the super stars, some political elites are also fond of Vacheron Constantin watches, especially the heads of states. Silvio Berlusconi, the prime minister of Italy, he owns a Vacheron Constantin watch which values 0.58 million dollars. This is an expensive watch among all the Replica Discount Vacheron Constantin Watches of the heads of states. Putin, the president of the Russian Federation owns a Philippe watch which value 60 thousand dollars. Bush, the president of the United States, to our surprise, he has a watch which costs only 50 dollars.

Actually, if a famous person is just a watch lover, the relationship between him and his watch will be much closer. For example, Replica Tag Heuer watches, as we know, he is a famous movie star who is fond of Piguet watch. In fact, he is a loyal follower for Piguet. He not only wears Piguet watch in the movies, but also collects twenty-four valuable Piguet Vacheron Constantin watches, and each one is custom-made for him only. The Vacheron Constantin watches appear in the movies helps to build the image of the handsome men of Hollywood.

A millionaire who owns Chelsea football club had eyes only for Vacheron Constantin watches. He collected many priceless Vacheron Constantin watches.

The Vacheron Constantin Automatic watches which valued by these famous persons have some feathers in common: they have high quality. Watch is the only adornment for lots of men, then, to some degree, the quality and stylish of watch stand for the style of men.

The author is a keen fan of Breitling replica watches. View the amazing collection of replica Omega Vacheron Constantin watches at

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